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Showing posts from 2018

Welcome to the world of Mahjong!!!

Mahjong is an ancient game of skill and strategy, and also known as a Game of Thousand Intelligences.

It's played with tiles and traces its origins to China. The game became popular in the west during the early twentieth century. It is fast catching the fancy of ladies in India too. This blog strives to bring together people who play this fascinating game, put together rules and to put together some fun trivia !

The Special Hands

Limit / Full limit / 1000 count hands for East and South Wind rounds 1 Knitting 7 knits in any 2 suits 2 NEWS Knit NEWS and 5 knits in any 2 suits 3 Dragon Knit RWG + 1 extra dragon + 5 knits in 2 suits 4 Clean Pairs 7 pairs in any one suit … or with honours pairs 5 Dirty Pairs A pair in each suit + pair of own wind /wind of the round  + pair of any dragon + any 2 pairs (Honors own pick). 6 Crochet 4 crochets + pair of your wind / wind of the round 7 Mixed Blossom Pung of RED dragon + pair of GREEN dragon or vice versa + 3 mixed runs 8 Chinese Dragon Pung of any dragon + one each of other Dragons + 3 mixed runs 9 Apple Blossom Pung of WHITE dragon + pair of GREEN dragon or vice versa + 3 mixed runs 10 Breezy  Bees Pung of your own wind / wind of the round + pair of any...